Writing Off Weight

Beat the Holiday Craze with these Quick Tips!

I just spent all weekend getting the last of the holiday gifts and wrapping them. My living room looks like Christmas blew up! I am officially in the holiday spirit. I set a plan this year to beat the last minute holiday stress. With holiday stress at its peak, it is very easy to become frazzled and overwhelmed with all the tasks needing to be done. Follow these quick tips to prevent the craze…


  • Don’t wait until the last minute. Attempt to get all of your holiday presents bought, food baked, and schedule planned ahead of time. Remember, just because you did a task last year doesn’t mean it has to be done this year. The card mailing list can shrink or less presents purchased, make your holiday gift time togetherness.
  • Limit the stressful shopping! You can easily access stores from mobile devices or your computer. Typically they offer free shipping as well. If you would rather get out to browse the stores, go at off times when stores are less busy! Do what is best for YOU!
  • Make an opportunity to exercise: With so many errands to run make each store a place for extra walking. You could park in the back of the parking lot (unless its snowy/icy) and walk to the store. When in the store walk the perimeter first then go get all the items on the list. Don’t forget to speed up as well-not only do you increase your heart rate, but you get the items more quickly. While waiting in the checkout do calf raises. Any place is a place for exercise.
  • Try making a healthy recipe ahead of time! Practice your recipe a few days before, so you can be sure to perfect it for your holiday gathering. If you cook something ahead of time, and it fails, you won’t rush to come up with plan #2. Plus, you will be able to use the practice rounds as a healthy snack!
  • Check out healthy baking substitutes. I love using banana, avocado, and applesauce in place of butter and sugar. In fact my secret is using beans in cakes and muffins to make them so moist! See the NuStart recipes.
  • Bask in the little things. Try to see beauty in the little parts of this time of year. Enjoy your favorite holiday traditions with the ones you love—watch the snow fall, listen to a peaceful fire crackle, or feel a cup of tea warm your body.


It TRULY is the most wonderful time of the year! Enjoy this time with friends and family. Relax and rest! The biggest cure for stress is getting plenty of rest.

Reply below with what you will do this week to breathe a little deeper and maintain 1 less gray hair due to stress.

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