When we strategize so much to be successful on the day of the holiday, the day after is sometimes overlooked! Enjoying time with family for the past 36 hours is fun yet in all honesty tiring. The food was delicious, the gifts are unwrapped, and my face hurts from laughing so much. So the last thing I want to do on the day after a holiday is cook!
Leftovers stock the fridge-coleslaw, turkey, and chocolate indulgences. How can I simply resist? I focus on adding in….so with the coleslaw add lots of raw spinach and red cabbage which was already prepped in the fridge at the beginning of the week. Chop up the turkey to lay on top and a large salad is right in front of me. Yum!

Before the temptation arises for those indulgences I went upstairs and got a hard work out in—now I don’t want to ruin that cardiovascular burn with chocolate.
I have been carrying water around with me all day to provide energy so I can complete housework and put away our presents. Do the healthy actions first and the temptations aren’t hard to overcome.
Focus on adding in….the temptations exist and always will, yet I add the raw veggies and healthy actions in first. Telling myself ‘no’ is nowhere in sight. So, with those temptations how will you resist? Tell me below how you will add-in! Merry Christmas.