When the ball or in our case the conch shell drops, our calendar year marks a new beginning. We reflect on what 2014 was and what we want to make 2015! We set ourselves with such high expectations to always be better than what we are capable of being…Perfection doesn’t make health–but the willingness and willpower to push forward does! Making resolutions on New Year’s Day should be no different from making a resolution on any other day. While it’s a convenient time since it feels like a new beginning; think of the occasion more as a catalyst for change and a jumping-off point. Utilize these tips below to achieve your new year’s resolution, then comment below with your plan. Let NuStart & I hold you accountable!

Write your resolutions down. Put them somewhere prominent where you will see them every day. It helps to “keep your eye on the prize.” Then put reminders all around you to keep the willpower strong.
Log each day. We can track so much more than food. Keep track daily of how exactly you met your resolution. This will help you feel accomplished, but also make you aware of ways to stay on top of improving.
Keep them positive. We always think about taking something away or eliminating a bad habit. Instead, add a healthy action in.
Have an accountability buddy. Find a friend that shares the same goal to keep each other in check. Constantly, share progress & ask how your buddy is doing.
Be realistic. Set attainable goals so you actually have a higher chance of succeeding. If you truly want to achieve your 2015 resolution, set milestones that grow in each step.
Set benchmarks. If your resolution is a big one, chart steps towards it. If you aren’t meeting these, it is time to reevaluate and re-strategize so you don’t get discouraged and give up.
For example: Jan. I will pack my lunch 2 days a week and actually eat it. Feb. I will pack my lunch 3 days a week and fast food will reduce to 2 days per week. In March I will….continue adding as you are successful within each month. If we jump to all 5 days of packing we will never maintain!
Remember! Resolutions can happen at ANY time. If you find a new task you want to pursue, go at it with the same intensity as a New Year Resolution. They can include any topic: nutrition, sleep, exercise, and stress management. Choose 1 that will improve your health!
Pat yourself on the back. When the light at the end of the tunnel seems soooooooo far away, keep yourself motivated by celebrating even small successes as you reach your mini milestones! Your treat doesn’t have to be elaborate; it just has to make you feel rewarded.