So it is time to no longer fear the yellow looking football in the produce aisle! A lot of times when we don’t know how to cook a vegetable or what it tastes like it is easier to just never try….well for this vegetable break all the rules. Go buy it and then follow these steps…
I break all the rules when it comes to cooking squash….typically recipes call for cutting the squash long ways in half and then bake. But DON’T cut it first! You may break your hand. Cook easier by putting the entire squash in the oven at 350 degrees and bake for approximately 45min.

The spaghetti squash softens as it cooks. Squash is versatile in size just like it is versatile in ways to serve it. The larger the squash the more time it will take to cook. So set the timer for 45min. and get busy on chopping other vegetables.

The squash will be done cooking when it is soft but not mushy. So when the timer goes off take it out and set on a cutting board. Immediately cut it long ways in half. If it is not the same color yellow all the way through put it back in the oven. If it is the same color yellow let it cool for you to handle.
Take a fork and scoop out the seeds into the trash. Then take the fork and make downward motions scraping the interior. Little noodle-like strands fall into another bowl!
Eat spaghetti squash just as you do noodles–so enjoy spaghetti with 100% vegetables, pasta salad, or top with cheese. Reply below with your favorite way to eat spaghetti squash!