Being in full swing this month of the holiday season, there are lots of to-dos on that list: mailing cards, shopping & wrapping presents, end of the year financials, etc. Wow, my head hurts just thinking about all that needs to be done. And with all those to-dos includes several holiday parties. This past weekend we had the Metal Source Christmas party & I found these strategies to be extremely helpful!

1) Be fashionable with time: when we show up a little after the party begins the delectable foods will be picked over and if we leave earlier than most we won’t be tempted for additional indulgent helpings!
2) Fill ½ the plate with vegetables & eat them first: just like with Thanksgiving focus on the veggies. The Mindless Eating Book says volume provides the tummy fullness. Get your fiber, protein, and crunch from those green vegetables to have less room on deserts and holiday drinks.
3) Stand in rooms away from the food or at least arm’s length away: when we stand next to the food while socializing we mindlessly grab and lose track of calories, proportion size, & holiday sugar.
4) Carry water with you at all times: if we have one hand on a water glass we have less temptation to eat. So pick out your fabulous accessory and start carrying it with you to all events.
5) Plan in Advance & Log It: when we see the foods in writing we are more likely to follow through for willpower to strengthen. Don’t forget to exercise prior and dress in tighter fitting attire as a reminder to stick to the plan.
Make December Holidays about the family & friends, not the food!
Reply below with what strategy will do at your next social function?