Writing Off Weight

Football During Dinner Time!

So Colts and Broncos playing each other with friends coming over…the question I ask, is what food can I make for all healthy and not-so-healthy minds to enjoy? The festive sporting event foods are typically not the greatest, but if vegetables can be added in then they become one step better. So this morning with a few hours ahead of time Ben and I went to the store to grab Mexican fiesta.

Here is what I made:

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Homemade guacamole with avocados, onions, and tomatoes. Avocados are an extremely healthy fat–so dig in!

Chunky Salsa by adding in cilantro, onion, and more tomatoes. Watch the sodium with salsa but it is a great vegetable dipper.

Quesadillas filled with chicken and veggies. Just chop and add and those guys never said a word.

Blacks beans full of fiber, no more needs to be said on this one. Plus it is so easy to make tortilla chips in the oven–reduce sodium and fat with this method!

Let me not forget the white dip, plain Greek yogurt is a substitute for sour cream and adds in so much more protein.

Sprinkle cilantro on everything for added benefits and enjoy this tasty and vegetable filled football dinner.

This boy sure enjoyed it ! 😆 dinner

The boys started laughing when they came in as the raw vegetables were within easy reach in the television room and the chips were on the counter in the kitchen. The environment was set to eat mindfully! What actions did you do to stay mindful during Sunday football?

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