Writing Off Weight

Grind Your Own Nut Butters

Nut butters have gotten so popular over the past several years. Approximately 5 years ago all we saw in the store was peanut butter….but now there is almond, walnut, cashew, macadamia, hazelnut, and then numerous flavored ones. Before I go any further I want to remind you that peanuts are technically not a nut, it is a legume. So if you enjoy peanut butter you like the bean family—don’t say anymore you aren’t a fan of legumes! Okay back to nuts…

Store Bought Nut Butter
Store Bought Nut Butter

Nuts are extremely healthy for you. They are primarily an unsaturated fat that may aid in lowering ldl cholesterol. They are a great source of protein and fiber so start crunching. There are so many in a jar but have you ever had it freshly ground? If you haven’t you must try. But be warned, once you try it you may never go back to a jar. There are machines in certain grocery stores that you flip the switch and out comes ground nut butter. It makes me hungry just thinking about it!

Freshly ground nut butter. This is a mixture of almonds & pecans.
Freshly ground nut butter. This is a mixture of almonds & pecans.

I had reached a level  of crazy last year for loving freshly ground nut butter so much. I was driving over an hour just for my weekly supply of nut butter and a hot yoga class. Ben realized how much I was loving it so he bought me my own nut butter machine. Now I buy nuts in bulk then I choose the type of nut I want for the meal, grind it, and enjoy in my own kitchen. I have saved so much money and time this past year while still enjoying the deliciousness!

Kristen's Nut Butter Machine
Kristen’s Nut Butter Machine

You can use nut butter on so many things. Here are several of my favorites:

  • Dip carrots into nut butter
  • Spread in the middle of a date of a fig for a sweet sandwich
  • Stir into a yogurt parfait
  • Mix into oatmeal
  • Smear onto apples

Store nuts in the freezer to keep nuts fresh for a longer period of time. They can go rancid and lose their health saving properties if not stored properly. In addition, stick to proportion. 1 ounce of nuts has 200 calories! Unsaturated fats are extremely important to eat but don’t over eat your proportion.

Tell me about your favorite nut butter meal below.

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