This weekend is the Super Bowl where we all gather to support our favorite team and watch the very expensive commercials. However, there is bound to be plenty of food to tempt us so we must plan ahead. We could easily munch mindlessly without a plan…too bad this post is full of tasty tips to chew on!
- Watch the game, don’t tackle the food buffet! Go into the environment with a game plan on how much you will allow yourself to eat & then roll out your defense to tackle peer pressure and cravings. Win with your willpower on top.
- Never walk into the party on an empty stomach. Hungry people don’t make wise eating choices. Before going, have a snack. Eat an apple with a hard-boiled egg, string cheese, small handful of nuts or greek yogurt.
- Quench your thirst with water. Alcohol can weaken our inhibition to make wise food choices and salty snacks fuel a thirsty tongue. So keep that water bottle handy and continually fill it up to fuel you!
- Serve yourself a small plate. The size of the plate can depict the amount eaten. Put your food on a smaller plate so your eye and stomach both feel satisfied.
- Settle into a seat away from the snacks. Set your intention to only eat 1 small plate. Then do not go back for seconds and don’t let your hand grab from anywhere else but your plate to eat!
- Use a buddy system. Create interference by tapping a friend to keep a subtle eye on you.
- Practice saying “no”. Just like the teams have to practice, so do we to eliminate peer pressure. Decline politely but firmly. Point out a healthier option you’ll try.
- Take home field advantage by hosting! If you host the Superbowl part you have control of the food options. Make sure plenty of fresh vegetables, fruit wedges, & water are in easy view.
- Bring a healthy dish! If you know you are going to be attending a party, offer to bring a lighter snack or a recipe makeover. Other spectators will appreciate the additional option. Check out our NuStart Recipes for football favs!

So what will you be making for the game? Reply below.