Writing Off Weight

Make Vegetables Your Meal Foundation!

When you plan a meal, what do you start with?

The beginning of the meal is the foundation! So let’s make the foundation the most important—that key to being the healthiest possible!

Tonight for dinner make the vegetable your foundation. Vegetables are the key to health as they are the lowest in calories and highest in nutrients. If they are green they are a great source of protein. If they are still crunchy they contain a great source of fiber. And if you picked them you must like them! So prepare them how you want then choose everything else around them!


So, you ask what is for dinner tonight. Ben really likes green beans and I haven’t cooked them recently so guess what he is having….green beans, fresh avocado and meatloaf—no worries there are added mushrooms, onions, and garlic added into the loaf too.


Last night we had spaghetti squash with sautéed kale, mushrooms, and tomatoes! With a side of ground turkey added in.

I wouldn’t enjoy vegetables as much as I do unless I put lots of flavorings into them: spices, herbs, vinegar, and citrus. So get creative and tell me what you will be cooking tonight!

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