When was the last time you remember you laughed so uncontrollably? Who was it? What were you laughing about?
Mine, you ask? Last Friday! I hosted a Girls and Games night. I needed a night to just wind down with close friends and do an activity that we don’t typically do—yes card games. It was a night to remember.

First off, I love to host! I love to make a spread of food…in fact making the appetizers or meal begins my relaxation. I turn up the music and get to chopping (since I always offer lots of vegetables). I can also influence my friends with new and healthy creations–Christine always leaves my home learning a new healthy action to add into her routine!

When the girls come over I am ready to gab, laugh, and relax fully. Did you know laughter is a great calorie burn? Laughter actually reduces muscle tension, increases blood oxygen levels, exercises the heart, and produces endorphins similar to a workout…..so make this your evening weekend workout!
Several of the Recipes I made are online: Crispy Chicken Fingers, Sundried Marinera, & Veggies with Hummus. I also made lasagna rolls, cheese platter, fruit with a chocolate dip, bruschetta, and olive plate. Yum!
Ladies, are you ready for ANOTHER girls night?