When it comes to the afternoon, we are tired and need a quick energy boost. This is the typical vending machine time! However, if we can create a mindless mini meal ready to grab we won’t be searching for those quarters. So on a regular basis I will be posting easy mindless meals….notice I do not say snacks! I say meals because when we think of a meal we think of something whole. When we typically say snack we think of processed. These ideas are going to be low prep and easy reach for a satisfying energy boost. Enjoy!
Try the Apple Sandwich!
We all love apples and peanut butter so it is time to add some crunch. You can create a sandwich with any nuts, seed, or grain mixture you enjoy. The cliché is “eat an apple a day to keep the doctor away!” Even Dr. Lindsay says eat those apples to fill yourself with fiber and vitamins. Plus nut butter is comforting and satisfying. So eat up!
So here is how to make an apple sandwich: slice the apple long ways, spread some nut butter, and top with your seed mixture. Here are several ideas to try:

What is your favorite way to eat an apple?