Now that we have begun the month of April, spring breaks and spring showers have arrived!

This means grass will turn green, flowers will bloom, and cleaning will be put on the to-do list. However, spring rains can slide any healthy routine into mud! Here are several strategies to make the sun shining within your daily actions to be most productive.
- Make a list. Write down the items you want to accomplish throughout this spring to clean your environment and become more organized. Choose the best method to write it down and continually see it: phone, journal, or paper stuck to the fridge. I can only remember something if I handwrite it so you will see my notebook full of lists I want to achieve.
- Do weight bearing exercises. Push-ups, sit-ups, or planks can easily be done in spare time. Incorporate leg lifts, jumping jacks, or calf-raises into your daily routine, such as when you are cooking dinner. A morning workout has shown to not only provide more energy but make you more productive!
- Hide the snacks. Snack with purpose and snack healthy to keep your mind focused and energized! Wrap unhealthy snacks in foil (even the ice cream tub) to prevent temptations. Or focus on time zones; only eat in the hours you set to provide energy, sustenance, and health.
- Maintain your sleeping schedule. Go to bed at a consistent hour. Sleep is one of the best ways to rejuvenate the mind and body. It integrates all the hard work you did throughout the day and prepares you for a new one.
- Find activities that work your mind. Skip the screen time and try a daily crossword puzzle or board game. This will help you unwind from a stressful day and feel mentally more tired at night to maintain that sleep schedule. Remember, I love puzzles for creativity and relaxation!
It is easy to cuddle in a blanket during a rainy day, but don’t let yourself. Once you cross off each task you will feel so much better. In fact, the times we don’t want to do anything is when we should move the most! Lying around all day is actually more physically draining, so get up-set your mind-and be productive. If you want something to happen, stop wishing and start making it happen! Health can only be achieved when nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress management are in balance.
How will you achieve your balance today to stay shining all throughout your spring?