Writing Off Weight

Laugh to Lighten Your Stress Load!

Most people enjoy being around those who make them smile and laugh, simply because those actions are enjoyable. When someone else laughs we typically reciprocate and join in the fun. Did you know that laughing could be one of the best remedies to relax? Laughing makes the whole body relaxed. After laughing for several minutes, your body will maintain a more relaxed feel for 45 minutes!

Dr. Lindsay laughing at the NuStart office.
Dr. Lindsay laughing at the NuStart office.
Keep reading to learn stress management effects of laughing.

  • Laughing decreases stress hormones and raises your immunity levels. This will help protect you from diseases!
  • Laughing and endorphins go hand in hand. Endorphins are the body’s “feel-good chemicals.” They make you feel happier. You also have heard that exercises increases endorphins…another stress management remedy!
  • Laughter keeps your blood flowing throughout your body and heart. This decreases your chances of having a heart attack.
  • Your muscles in your stomach expand and contract while you laugh. This makes for a great ab workout.
  • Laughing burns calories, but not many. Be sure to still get a good workout in to maintain that relaxed feel during the most stressful part of your day.
  • Since laughing is such a positive thing, it can boost your entire outlook on life, and make you a happier person. Should I harp anymore on positive attitude?
My husband, Ben, is always a jokster trying to get me to laugh! And occasionally he lets me snap a picture to make me remember.
My husband, Ben, is always a jokster trying to get me to laugh! And occasionally he lets me snap a picture to make me remember.
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Be sure to email me how you laugh this week? I can’t wait to hear these hilarious stories and join in your fun!

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