Travel and weight management can be extremely challenging to balance and keep in check. One meal can ruin all our diligent work we have done throughout the week. We don’t have as much control over food choices as we do in our own kitchen. But don’t let this thought stop you from traveling! There are great ways to eat health food while traveling….
- Plan ahead. Choose restaurants with a scratch kitchen so you can order a meal just like you cook at home!
- Pack. Yes, take bars and trail mix with you to eat for breakfast or mid-afternoon. The more you limit restaurants the easier weight management is.
- Find a grocery. Even if you don’t have a fridge there are numerous groceries and markets you can create a meal for right then. A lot of grocery stores or markets even have tables and chairs to sit down and eat at. In a grocery, meal options are endless.
This past week while visiting Vancouver, B.C. I achieve all 3 of these healthy points. In actuality, after yoga each morning I loved walking into the neighborhood markets to see what they carry different from us. I chose plain Greek yogurt with berries. One day I even found a delicious quinoa granola to stir in. In addition, most of their salad bars had pumpkin seeds on so I sprinkled away. You never know how creative you can get until you seize the opportunity!