Writing Off Weight

Beet a Sweet Craving with this Vegetable!

Beets can add a wonderful magenta color to your diet, but have you heard about all the great healthy nutrients within them? Beets are an extremely versatile vegetable. They are not eaten raw, but are cooked, pickled, or stewed then served in all sorts of ways. In fact, in April’s cooking week we used them in green smoothies to mask the green color! Here are some things to motivate you in eating this vegetable.

  • Do you want to be able to get through your next workout easier? Beets increase your stamina and give you the ability to exercise for up to 16% longer! Eat prior to your next run.
  • Beets fight inflammation and have anti-cancer properties. Stop the bloating and pain!
  • Fiber, vitamin C, potassium, B vitamin, and folate are abundant in beets. Immunity fighting vitamins for the spring weather changes.


Below are numerous ways to eat them:

Choose beets with firm, smooth skins, and non-wilted leaves. Beets are a non-starchy vegetable; just watch your sugar consumption!

  • Top on a salad. Here in Wabash, there is a great Greek salad at a restaurant that sprinkles beets on top for a hint of sweetness next to those black olives and feta.
  • Add to chocolate cupcakes. You never thought you would hear “beets” and “chocolate cupcakes” in the same sentence. crazy, right? Search recipes for healthy chocolate cupcakes that incorporate beets! You’ll definitely be surprised with what you find.
  • Try juicing beetroots for a flavorful juice. Mix with oranges, pineapple, lemon juice and 1 small sprig of mint.
  • Roast beets to bring out the sweetness.
  • Don’t forget the green leaves on top! The beet greens are the most nutrient-dense and can be cooked and eaten similar to spinach, or utilize them in that green smoothie as well.
  • Pair with leafy greens, apple, walnuts, orange, lemon, garlic, or other root vegetables.


How do you eat beets?

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