So this past weekend, I needed to travel to Columbus, Ohio for my best friend’s bachelorette party.

Since she moved just a few weeks ago the trip is now 45 min. longer totaling to a 4 hour drive! In order to eat healthy along the way I packed a few essentials: homemade trail mix, case of water, and a salad. I was driving through lunch.
I don’t know about you, but whenever I have a day in the car my steps go way down. I am sore and achy when I get out. So I woke up early to ensure I got a workout in and packed my food while drinking a green smoothie to start my vegetables early. Then got in the car to start the road trip with some awesome music to keep me sitting tall and stomach pulled in tight for good posture.
Instead of eating my salad as I was driving, I pulled into a parking lot. Outside, I stood while I ate to stretch then took some quick laps around the parking spaces. I hit my eating point just right as it was in between rain storms.

But this allowed me to not be some achy when I arrived to start the celebration with pedicures!

Aimee, the soon-to-be-bride had a spectacular time that day and I left her home on Sunday feeling proud of Saturday’s actions. Now looking back, I should have packed two salads–one for Sunday’s drive. For some reason I just hadn’t thought that far…..but next time I will remember the need for my vegetables to be packed!
What do you make sure you pack when going on a road trip?
(Pictured with me are Lucia Cornett, Aimee Erney, and Christy Hughes–amazing friends from my college days)