Writing Off Weight

Ketchup on your Condiments

Oh my goodness, we walk into the grocery store and are overwhelmed by the number of bottles to choose from! They easily add lots of taste in addition to carbs, sugars, & calories. Not only are there so many different condiments but there are numerous brands within. Put on your glasses and let’s investigate which ones to choose….

Ketchup: it is made with tomatoes so counts as a vegetable right? Wrong! It does begin with tomatoes which should always be the first ingredient. But sugar will be right behind it. So count the number of hidden sugars, watch for added sodium, skip any with HFCS (high fructose corn syrup), & be sure all ingredients are easy to pronounce. In rare instances, it may be a trigger for migraines. If high blood pressure is a concern, look for a brand with “no salt added.” Salsa is a great substitute & so easy to make from scratch. BBQ: just think sugar! The main ingredients are sugar & sugar. If you buy one ensure it has no HFCS & uses actual cane sugar or agave. The less amount of ingredients the better. Mustard: Hip Hip Horray! This is actually a great condiment. Has antioxidants from the mustard seed & vinegar. So have a condiment choose this one. Just compare different sodium contents. Mayonnaise: typically very high in saturated fat. Also, the primary ingredient is soybean oil which can cause inflammation (this is not an omega 3). If you buy, chose an olive oil based mayo. Salad Dressing: talk about overwhelming, an entire grocery store aisle contains these….so read the ingredients & don’t fall for marketing gimmicks. Buy 1 with less than 5 ingredients & ensure you know what they are. It is very easy to make your own: olive oil, vinegar, & herbs. (click here for numerous recipes) Soy & Teriyaki Sauce: So much sodium! If you have celiac disease be sure you choose a gluten free one as these are typically made from wheat. I always recommend Liquid Brag’s Aminos which is 2 ingredients-soybeans & water. Try it today. Hot Sauce: you got to love spice for this one. Luckily most are sugar free but typically very high in salt. The best alternative is to use real peppers for flavor since they are a vegetable! Remember, seeds=hotness. Pesto: have you heard of this one? Most are made of basil, olive oil, pine nuts, and garlic. Olive oil is great for you, and the rest of the ingredients feature a variety of antioxidants. Be adventurous as it is a flavor enhancer for much more than pasta-try it for lean protein or portabella pizzas. A few easy ones to make from home so they are less in sugars, calories, & sodium!

  • Cocktail Sauce: ketchup, horseradish, lime, cracked black pepper
  • Salsa: tomatoes, onion, jalapeno, lime, cilantro
  • Mayonnaise: pureed avocado with herbs & spices
  • Jam/Jelly/Preserves: frozen berries, honey, chia seeds (click here for recipe)
  • Ranch Dressing: the thicker & creamer the more you need to run! So try making your own to dip raw veggies into. (click here for recipe)

The best alternatives to condiments for flavor are herbs & spices & vinegars! So close the refrigerator & open up your spice cabinet for flavor.

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