Sometimes in life less is more. What an interesting thought as we always gravitate towards bigger is better. Status sometimes is determined by how many tasks we have to do or how busy we are. Restaurants serve larger proportions than necessary. Shopping entails numerous items in our cart or lots of shopping bags. But in life sometimes we need to remember that the best things may come in the smallest form.
I am going through some medical issues and this past week my two doctors told me this line “less is better for you!” Now the interesting part is one doctor is a conventional medicine doctor and the other is a alternative therapy doctor. But they each had the same exact message for me–quit trying to do more, it is only making it worse. Focus on less!
As I process this, I am realizing there are so many ACTIONS in our life where this line needs to be remembered: PROPORTIONS, STRESS LEVELS, NIGHT TIME EATING! Can you think of any others? These are things we can manage and control – therefore, we can take action in ensuring they are geared toward bettering our health!

Go through your week and see where you need to follow this rule of thumb. LESS MAY BE BETTER and maybe next time I will see less of you if your vision is losing weight!