Today our culture is always on the go which reduces our time at home, shortening our available time to eat at home. Therefore, drive-thru or vending machine eating has sky rocketed. We have gotten away from fresh and headed into an era of packages and preservatives.
But have no fear you just need to know where to look!
I am a constant meal eater; I eat 5-6 times a day! The trick to this is always having quick grabs in my fridge or cabinet and never leaving the house without nuts or an energy bar. If I get ravenous then my healthy eating and proportions go out the window, so truly I always have food on me! When a child is hungry, I am typically the lifesaver of filling that tummy.
Great take-alongs are:
Nuts and seeds with dried fruit. I like to change it up and sometimes add coconut flakes.

Energy bars. However, you must be careful! Check the ingredients, do you know where every single one came from? Check the protein and only buy them if they have 10g or more. Check the sugar! Keep it real and as low as possible. This is why the NuStart bars were created, I was tired of not being able to find adequate ones in the store. Be sure you look at the ingredients first then always keep one on you.

Apples, Pears, Bananas, or Clementine’s: these are easy to eat and as fresh as you possibly can get.
Now, go enjoy your real snack! Follow my blog with Bloglovin