Writing Off Weight

Add Exercise into Your ALREADY Routine!

When we discuss needing to exercise, TIME is the biggest barrier. So let’s remove that barrier by adding exercise into our already planned day! Here are 7 ways to move & tone while completing your to-do list.
  1. Sneak in a Lunch Break Sweat: Hit the gym or go for a walk during that 30-60 minute break. In fact, this could be a great way to grab a workout buddy to hold you accountable! It will refresh your mind to be more productive for the afternoon hours.
  2. Workout While Working: Sit on a stability ball to strengthen your core instead of a desk chair.  Keep dumbbells or exercise bands at your desk to do 12 to 15 reps of several moves while on the phone or to replace day dreaming.
  3. Take the Kids with You: Invest in a jogging stroller to get your miles in without paying for a sitter. Or strap your bundle of joy into a carrier and hold while performing squats. Remember to keep your chest up & belly button back to spine!
  4. Make It Your Mode of Transportation: Instead of driving to the grocery store for your fresh veggies ride your bike & carry a back pack. Or run to pick up the kids from their summer camp then walk home listening about their day.
  5. Don’t just wait on others: We wait in traffic while driving or in line at a checkout. This next time in the car bring a dumbbell and do bicep curls and tummy holds. While standing at the checkout line do toe raises. Check out Section 11 of E.A.T. for a full car workout (yes, I tried to be creative to fit it in anywhere)!
  6. Eliminate Couch Potato Sofa Marks: Don’t skip the sweat session just to catch up on your favorite television drama. Clear out some space and do jumping jacks, push-ups, & lunges while focusing on those famous actors. You can even move your treadmill right in front.
  7. Power Up  Walking: Instead of walking leisurely up a flight of stairs, increase your speed and/or the number of stairs you take in at one time. We need to strive for at least 10 flights a day! Or make getting your mail into a workout—speed walk, carry dumbbells, or hop to that mailbox.
 The goal is to move more within our typical routine. So get creative & incorporate others!  We don’t have to go to the gym or focus on 30 min. a day to get more exercise in-we just need to move. How will you add in some extra movement this evening?


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