Yes 4-H fairs are fast approaching & I would love for you to visit our friends & neighbors who take part in it….but do not let the fair wreak havoc on your HEALTHY progress! I commonly say moderation is key, however do not allow—especially in the summer when there are more weekends, birthdays, weddings, & yes the fairs–all the “special occasions” to become too plentiful. These occasions can become an excuse to why poor eating becomes regular habits. You are working daily on letting these fall by the wayside & inputting the healthy actions.

- When you go to the fair, do not go hungry! Eat before you go so you do not make a poor decision.
- Drink plenty of water.
- Walking will be excellent exercise but know the walking done around the grounds will never counteract the fair food eaten. I read an article that said, “One of my clients went to a theme park for a week with her kids, and despite logging 20,000 steps a day, she still gained 5 pounds!” (Katherine Tallmadge, RD).

Most especially, plan ahead. If you are going to go to the fair strategize. Remember there is no failing as you renovate your routines unless you do not give every single day 100% your all. Be intentional with your choices & make sure everything eaten provides nutrition!
How will you grow your willpower at the fair this year? Comment Below.