Writing Off Weight

A Twist on Tortilla Tuesday!


This past month I decided to make dinners a little more exciting. Ben doesn’t enjoy surprises…he likes his routines and is a major planner! To better explain, when we have business trips I receive a color coded calendar of where I am supposed to be and when. Now, I love this as well because I am also a major planner except I like my colors diced, chopped, and ready to eat! I’m talking about veggies of course. I like to have all my dinner ideas laid out for the week, with a grocery list, and then utilize all the vegetables I purchased throughout the week.  So, in order to give Ben his routine I named a couple of our weeknight meal genres. Monday is Meatless Monday. Tuesday is Tortilla Tuesday. I haven’t come up with Wednesday through Sunday yet…maybe you can give me some ideas.


Ben and Keenan love it when we have a taco bar. In fact, our friends do as well. Tuesdays have turned into a typical night when friends come over for a healthy dinner. So instead of a typical taco bar for this particular Tuesday, I twisted it up by having them make quesadillas! Simple, tasty, and fun…it was a  big hit.

First I set out all the vegetables, browned ground turkey, beans, plain Greek yogurt (a healthier substitution for sour cream), tortillas, cheese, salsa, and guacamole. Then I added a few baking sheets to the counter. Ben, Keenan, and Chris grabbed their tortillas and layered them with lots and lots veggies. They added the cheese and pushed them into the oven. While they waited for the quesadillas to crisp up in the oven, they filled up their water glasses and set the table. After 10 minutes their dinners were hot and ready to eat. IMG_3806 IMG_3808 IMG_3807

I love doing bars of food for people to make up their own entrée, because each person is able to choose the flavors and vegetables that they enjoy. The key is to have lots of colorful, tasty options! Other bar ideas include: omelets, pasta, or even pizzas. Check out the Superhero Dinner blog article for the omelet layout to make each family member happy and healthy.

How will you twist up your Tuesday’s meal choices this week?

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