Writing Off Weight

Become the Superhero of Dinner!

This past Sunday when I asked the boys what they wanted for dinner, Keenan said Batman! I think he wanted me to say “I can’t.” But instead I got creative! We were having friends over that evening so I had to ask myself what would feed a group easily?

My answer: Breakfast for Dinner! I chopping vegetables for omelets, mixed together a large bowl of eggs, and set out the cheese. I then stirred together the batter for Pumpkin Pancakes. Be sure you check out the recipe on NuStartHealth.com /recipes.

I then put the batter into a squeeze bottle. After I I heated a large flat pan, I called Ben into the room to draw the Batman symbol on the hot ungreased pan with the orange batter. If I would have been thinking further ahead I could have dyed this batter black with food coloring. superhero3 superhero1 superhero4

He drew the symbol on the pan, let it cook for several minutes to rise a little, then filled it in with more batter. You can make any pancake design using this method you want. After one side is cooked flip the pancake over to cook on the other side or slide the pan into the oven. Cooking the remainder in the oven allows the pancake to cook thoroughly and not worry about ruining the design. superhero2 superhero5

When the company came over, I laid all the vegetable bowls out in an assembly line and three omelet pans on the stove. Each person took a turn filling their pan with vegetables, cooking, adding egg, adding cheese, and saying yum! superhero

With the omelets and pumpkin pancakes (remember, another vegetable!) everyone ate like a villain.

Voila, I am the Superhero of dinner! And the boys were the Good Guys for eating so many vegetables in their omelets. Chris commented at the end of dinner that he enjoys eating at my house because he eats so many vegetables! How can I resist not serving friends dinner when I hear this comment?!?

So how will you become a Superhero for your family during this weeks’ dinners?

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