Author Archives: Kristen Gebhart

So for anyone who truly knows me is probably laughing when they read this headline! I have a bedtime and it is right at 8pm, if I am ever still on my phone after this time my friends ask what is wrong? Bodies loves routine and my body loves that I head into the bedroom to prepare for sleep at 8pm each night. I know it seems early but my body loves to wake up and be productive in the morning. Catch me at 7am and I am full of gusto and creative thinking---catch me at 5pm and my brain doesn't want to work. So in order to be on top of my game I know I need to follow my routine: head into bedroom at 8pm, change, lay down next to Boxton (my dog), badger my husband about tv timer, read till my eyes start to glaze over, put on my eye mask and roll on my left side to drift into sleep! If I don't have this I don't sleep soundly.... Sleep provides a fresh start. It is like hitting a reset button to increase energy. Sleep allows your body to repair and regenerate. Quality sleep helps daily tasks to be performed better and more efficiently.
When you plan a meal, what do you start with? The beginning of the meal is the foundation! So let’s make the foundation the most important—that key to being the healthiest possible! Tonight for dinner make the vegetable your foundation. Vegetables are the key to health as they are the lowest in calories and highest in nutrients. If they are green they are a great source of protein. If they are still crunchy they contain a great source of fiber. And if you picked them you must like them! So prepare them how you want then choose everything else around them!
For New Years don’t feel like you have to be in the norm and choose exercise, choose what you truly need to overcome in order to be one step healthier within any of the four pillars: nutrition, sleep, exercise, and stress management! A resolution explains something specific we will do or not do! So once we do the opposite we quit. I know I am tired of feeling like a failure…do you feel the same way? So this year instead of setting a resolution set an intention and make it last ALL year long because you are ready and willing to tackle it!
When we strategize so much to be successful on the day of the holiday, the day after is sometimes overlooked! Enjoying time with family for the past 36 hours is fun yet in all honesty tiring. The food was delicious, the gifts are unwrapped, and my face hurts from laughing so much. So the last thing I want to do on the day after a holiday is cook! Leftovers stock the fridge-coleslaw, turkey, and chocolate indulgences. How can I simply resist? I focus on adding in….
When you use your willpower all day long it grows tired and weary so at night it can lose its gusto & strength! So where to start….remove all temptation or what I like to call ‘trigger’ foods from the house right away. Give that food to the neighbors; throw it in the trash, or something else to get rid of it without eating it. Keep the following triggers out of sight and out of mind:
I just spent all weekend getting the last of the holiday gifts and wrapping them. My living room looks like Christmas blew up! I am officially in the holiday spirit. I set a plan this to beat the last minute holiday stress. With holiday stress at its peak, it is very easy to become frazzled and overwhelmed with all the tasks needing to be done. Follow these quick tips to prevent the craze...
So it is time to no longer fear the yellow looking football in the produce aisle! A lot of times when we don't know how to cook a vegetable or what it tastes like it is easier to just never try....well for this vegetable break all the rules. Go buy it and then follow these steps... I break all the rules when it comes to cooking squash....typically recipes call for cutting the squash long ways in half and then bake. But DON'T cut it first! You may break your hand. Cook easier by putting the entire squash in the oven at 350 degrees and bake for approximately 45min.
I am a nutritionist and personal trainer, wife, mom to two adorable dogs, sister, daughter, and a friend to numerous awesome friends. I love to cook, especially bake, practice yoga, and socialize with friends over a cup of coffee…or glass of red wine (both are filled with antioxidants). I believe that indulgences are nice to enjoy in life as long as lots of vegetables are eaten first! I want to empower you to reach your healthy lifestyle today….
Being in full swing this month of the holiday season, there are lots of to-dos on that list: mailing cards, shopping & wrapping presents, end of the year financials, etc. Wow, my head hurts just thinking about all that needs to be done. And with all those to-dos includes several holiday parties. This past weekend we had the Metal Source Christmas party & I found these strategies to be extremely helpful!