Did You Feel Refreshed this Morning When You Woke Up?
Do you feel you have trouble concentrating? Do you feel forgetful? Do you feel irritable? If you answered yes to any one of these, how many hours of sleep did you get in the past four nights?
Sleep is such an important aspect of our lives…however, if we have too much going on or are very stressed, sleep is one thing that is bypassed or becomes restless. So let’s discuss why you need to focus on improving your nighttime routine.
Now that we have begun the month of April, spring breaks and spring showers have arrived! This means grass will turn green, flowers will bloom, and cleaning will be put on the to-do list. However, spring rains can slide any healthy routine into mud! Here are several strategies to make the sun shining within your daily actions to be most productive.
•Make a list. Write down the items you want to accomplish throughout this spring to clean your environment and become more organized. Choose the best method to write it down and continually see it: phone, journal, or paper stuck to the fridge. I can only remember something if I handwrite it so you will see my notebook full of lists I want to achieve.
It is easy to find ourselves restless at night. If you are having a rough time getting to sleep at night, you’re not alone! We have nights where our brain can’t shut off, the body is too hot or cold, or the bed isn’t comfortable. But keep reading, because a few easy tips to change your evening routine can help you sleep more soundly….get ready for some zzz’s.
With full swing of winter upon us more and more people get colds, the flu, etc. Sickness seems to spread so easily. So orange you glad you are going to learn tricks to fight off the sickness?
So for anyone who truly knows me is probably laughing when they read this headline! I have a bedtime and it is right at 8pm, if I am ever still on my phone after this time my friends ask what is wrong? Bodies loves routine and my body loves that I head into the bedroom to prepare for sleep at 8pm each night. I know it seems early but my body loves to wake up and be productive in the morning. Catch me at 7am and I am full of gusto and creative thinking---catch me at 5pm and my brain doesn't want to work. So in order to be on top of my game I know I need to follow my routine: head into bedroom at 8pm, change, lay down next to Boxton (my dog), badger my husband about tv timer, read till my eyes start to glaze over, put on my eye mask and roll on my left side to drift into sleep! If I don't have this I don't sleep soundly....
Sleep provides a fresh start. It is like hitting a reset button to increase energy. Sleep allows your body to repair and regenerate. Quality sleep helps daily tasks to be performed better and more efficiently.
For New Years don’t feel like you have to be in the norm and choose exercise, choose what you truly need to overcome in order to be one step healthier within any of the four pillars: nutrition, sleep, exercise, and stress management!
A resolution explains something specific we will do or not do! So once we do the opposite we quit. I know I am tired of feeling like a failure…do you feel the same way? So this year instead of setting a resolution set an intention and make it last ALL year long because you are ready and willing to tackle it!
When the ball drops, our calendar year marks a new beginning. We reflect on what 2014 was and what we want to make 2015! We set ourselves with such high expectations to always be better than what we are capable of being...Perfection doesn't make health--but the willingness and willpower to push forward does!
I just spent all weekend getting the last of the holiday gifts and wrapping them. My living room looks like Christmas blew up! I am officially in the holiday spirit. I set a plan this to beat the last minute holiday stress. With holiday stress at its peak, it is very easy to become frazzled and overwhelmed with all the tasks needing to be done. Follow these quick tips to prevent the craze...
I am a nutritionist and personal trainer, wife, mom to two adorable dogs, sister, daughter, and a friend to numerous awesome friends. I love to cook, especially bake, practice yoga, and socialize with friends over a cup of coffee…or glass of red wine (both are filled with antioxidants). I believe that indulgences are nice to enjoy in life as long as lots of vegetables are eaten first! I want to empower you to reach your healthy lifestyle today….