Stress Management

Have you ever thought how stress affects your health? Stress weakens our immune system & can derail so many of our health initiatives like eating vegetables, exercising consistently, & sleeping soundly. We have to take action in dealing with stress: thoughts, emotions, schedule, environment, & unexpected occurrences. We may not be able to control the situation but we can control our reaction! We must learn to take care of ourselves & make time for rest & relaxation. The more effective your stress management is the better you will feel!
Oh my goodness it is hard to believe it is August already & many kids go back to school this week! When I think of school—routine & planning ahead are at the forefront. Back to school shopping typically gets kids excited to go back—so this year focus on increasing enthusiasm for healthy actions: •Buy new tennis shoes to encourage movement •Buy new lunch box to encourage healthy eating •Buy new fun book to read to encourage earlier bed times So let’s strategize to ease the morning stress!
Most people enjoy being around those who make them smile and laugh, simply because those actions are enjoyable. When someone else laughs we typically reciprocate and join in the fun. Did you know that laughing could be one of the best remedies to relax? Laughing makes the whole body relaxed. After laughing for several minutes, your body will maintain a more relaxed feel for 45 minutes! Keep reading to learn stress management effects of laughing.
Have you ever thought about how many times you say “if only….”? You fill in the blank with the rest. “If only I lose 20lbs. I will be happy.” If only I can fit into those jeans again, my husband will find me attractive.” If only – if only – if only, these “if onlys” make our desires and dreams so far reaching. These sorts of statements make us feel inferior. If we feel inferior we lose our confidence to actually make the change we want!
Now that we have begun the month of April, spring breaks and spring showers have arrived! This means grass will turn green, flowers will bloom, and cleaning will be put on the to-do list. However, spring rains can slide any healthy routine into mud! Here are several strategies to make the sun shining within your daily actions to be most productive. •Make a list. Write down the items you want to accomplish throughout this spring to clean your environment and become more organized. Choose the best method to write it down and continually see it: phone, journal, or paper stuck to the fridge. I can only remember something if I handwrite it so you will see my notebook full of lists I want to achieve.
Did you know April has a national beer day? I was very surprised that there is a holiday to celebrate this cold drink. But then it got me thinking….alcohol is part of socializing. Typically, when people think about losing weight or achieving health they feel alcohol must be eliminated. However, if you hope to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle, socializing is a must! Socializing with friends and family is a great stress releaser so it can never be omitted. Instead, let’s ReTHINK the Way You DRINK! To Drink in a Responsible & Healthy Way