Stress Management

I talk so much about making health a lifestyle. However, life is always evolving. When it come to health we all have our goals like losing 20 pounds, running a 5K, or having extra energy to chase 4 kids. However, the goal or outcome is not the ultimate prize. The prize is the process! It's not the outcome that we need to focus on week after week, it's the actions and barriers we are overcoming right now. These barriers are what weighs us down hour after hour. If we focus on the journey of creating healthier actions, we overcome our barriers and the end goal just happens. The end goal becomes the byproduct which allows us to maintain it so much more easily. The outcome can burn us out, frustrate us if we don't see it early enough, or worst case is make us feel like failures.
Have you ever realized that when we wake up late our whole day feels frazzles and frantic! Don't let this be you. We all wake up with a blank slate every morning, a chance to have an awesome, productive, successful day. A morning routine will help set the path for an awesome day to follow. So let's figure out how to begin each day in an action-oriented and managed-stress state of mind.
Creating our environment to be a safe zone eliminates our temptations to indulge! Setting your home up for success actually makes you stress less! Yes, it is true. When we have our healthy items planned and ready to go, we are actually more organized and utilize our time more effectively. So test out one of these tips to see if you breathe a little easier this week. Willpower is very difficult to grow if we keep setting it up for failure. Putting temptations right in front of us time and time again weakens our willpower, so here are simple strategies to set your home up for success!
Stress release is a challenging action to incorporate! Well, let me rephrase this, releasing stress in a healthy and daily manner is challenging for many. Sure, we relax on the weekends but a weekend warrior isn't the best choice. Another challenge I have is when I am stressed I do not eat on a regular basis like I should and I crave sugar....does this sound like a similar situation for you? As a coach, I ask people what they loved to do between ages 9 and 11. As a child, these are the ages prior to peer judgment or pressure from friends.
For New Years don’t feel like you have to be in the norm and choose exercise, choose what you truly need to overcome in order to be one step healthier within any of the four pillars: nutrition, sleep, exercise, and stress management! A resolution explains something specific we will do or not do! So once we do the opposite we quit. I know I am tired of feeling like a failure…do you feel the same way? So this year instead of setting a resolution set an intention and make it last ALL year long because you are ready and willing to tackle it!
I just spent all weekend getting the last of the holiday gifts and wrapping them. My living room looks like Christmas blew up! I am officially in the holiday spirit. I set a plan this to beat the last minute holiday stress. With holiday stress at its peak, it is very easy to become frazzled and overwhelmed with all the tasks needing to be done. Follow these quick tips to prevent the craze...
I am a nutritionist and personal trainer, wife, mom to two adorable dogs, sister, daughter, and a friend to numerous awesome friends. I love to cook, especially bake, practice yoga, and socialize with friends over a cup of coffee…or glass of red wine (both are filled with antioxidants). I believe that indulgences are nice to enjoy in life as long as lots of vegetables are eaten first! I want to empower you to reach your healthy lifestyle today….
So after a stressful week during the holiday season, I knew I needed to quit being ba-humbug and get in the holiday spirit…also needing to let go of the week’s stressors! Creativity allows my brain to relax, laugh, and have fun so I went with friends to a Floral Centerpiece Decorating Class. And let me tell you I laughed a lot while trying to construct my masterpiece.